The sume of DESTA forklifts and other handling devices with an offer of catalogues for ordering
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We recomend to read users guide how to operate the catalogue before using the browser of catalogue or filling your possible order.
Catalogue guide

Gas-engined forklifts:
BVHM 1321, MV 12B, MV 15-16, MV 12-16 BA, BB, DVHM 16-3222, DVHM 16-3222 L, DVHM 16-3522 LX, DV 16-35 A, DV 16-35 B, DV 20-35 C, DVHM 3222 TM, DVHM 3522 TXK, DV 50-63 A, D(G) 12-20
BVHM 1321 MV 12 B, MV15-16 MV 12-16 BA,BB
DVHM 1622-3222 DVHM 1622-3222 L DVHM 1622-3522 LX
DV 16-35 A DV 16-35 B DV 20-35 C
DVHM 3222 TM DVHM 3522 TXK DV 50,63 A
D(G) 12-20 D(G) 25-50    
Accumulator forklifts:
AV 12-20 A E 12-20 AP 16-20 B
Manual operated pallet cart:
    NV 23    

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